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Don't give up hope on school places

March 10, 2011 14:11

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

Anxious parents whose children have failed to gain a place at Jewish secondary school have been advised not to give up hope as more places will become free in coming weeks.

Despite the rapid increase in Jewish secondary school places in London, a number of children were left without one after last week's first round of offers.

Several of the capital's five mainstream state-aided Jewish secondaries reported that applications were up from last year.

JFS said applications had risen from around 650 to just under 700 for its 300 places. The cross-communal JCoSS reported a rise from 450 to 600 for 180 places and Yavneh College attracted 500 applicants for 150 places, compared with 425 last year.