
Clegg is reunited with Auschwitz tour group

January 31, 2013 16:29
Nick Clegg with young HET amabassadors and the HET's Karen Pollock

ByZoe Winograd, Zoe Winograd

1 min read

Students who joined Nick Clegg on an Auschwitz visit met the Liberal leader and deputy PM once again as they witnessed his signing of the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment against prejudice and racism.

Laura Eagles, 17, from Imberhorne School, East Grinstead, said “it was great to share our feelings with someone who had the same experiences as us. For me, it was an amazing opportunity to go to Poland as it made the Holocaust seem more real. Nick Clegg said that he was in even more shock when he came back.”

Fellow Imberhorne student Anna O’Brien added: “It was really interesting to speak with him about the programme we all went on. The support of the government [for the HET’s Lessons from Auschwitz] is instrumental because the Holocaust was so long ago and could be forgotten. With all the problems we are experiencing in the world these days, getting the government involved is a very important factor in raising awareness.”

In his message, Mr Clegg wrote: “We cannot undo the horrors of the past, but we can — and must — keep the memories of the victims of the Holocaust alive. Those memories will help us light a brighter path for peace for the future — and stop the world forgetting the horrors of the past.” Some 300 MPs have now signed the book.

Elsewhere, Alex Salmond took the Talmud for his inspiration when signing the first Scottish version of the Book of Commitment.

“Whoever saves one life saves the world entire,” the First Minister wrote.

More than 70 MSPs have signed the book and HMD was also marked by an address in the Scottish Parliament’s Time for Reflection slot by two Scottish HET ambassador students from Aberdeen, Beth Nicoll and Stevie Low.