
Class act at King David Birmingham

November 24, 2016 22:46

ByCathy Forman, Cathy Forman

1 min read

Ofsted and Pikuach inspectors have described KIng David Primary as a good school.

The Ofsted inspectors found that the school, which serves a culturally diverse community, is under a leadership and management that is “firmly focused on improving teaching to make this an outstanding school”.

The Pikuach inspectors reported that the voluntary aided primary — where around 25 per cent of the 246 pupils are Jewish — made “good provision for pupils’ Jewish education”. They also noted that the school’s “contribution to community cohesion is outstanding. It is impressive that this school works as such a harmonious community, where Jewish pupils and those from other faiths get on very well together and are eager to extend their knowledge of Judaism.”

Governors’ chair Barry Henley said: “The oustanding community cohesion and academic achievement highlighted in the reports are the result of dedicated teamwork and teaching of the highest standard. The Pikuach inspectors were impressed by the standards achieved in religious education from a Jewish perspective since our pupils come from very varied backgrounds. I congratulate the head, the staff, the pupils and the parents for our rating of good overall, with outstanding achievement by pupils.”