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Chelsea minyan scores with supporters on opening day

SW3 attracts more than 80 people to Shabbat service and kiddush

October 13, 2021 17:40
1 min read

More than 80 people attended the inaugural service of a modern Orthodox minyan in South-West London.

The Shabbat gathering at a Chelsea venue included families with young children and teenagers and the congregation tucked into a Tony Page-catered kiddush lunch following the service.

SW3 is the brainchild of local resident Aron Freedman, who felt “there was a need for it in this part of London”.

“I wanted to create an authentic Shabbat atmosphere in the heart of SW3 and I was thrilled to see so many men, women and children come and enjoy the service and kiddush lunch. The fact people stayed to chat for an hour-and-a-half showed me how welcome this initiative was.