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Charity shops are feeling the pinch

September 17, 2009 15:29

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

1 min read

Educational charity Ort has closed its only fundraising store as reduced donations, high rents and cash-strapped customers have taken their toll on Jewish charity shops.

Ort’s Finchley shop was shut down because of rising rent. “It was never really making that much money,” explained British Ort chairman Simon Alberga.

“We had a disagreement with the landlord over what the rent should be and have been planning the closure since then. In the current environment, it’s not the best time to relocate.”

Other charity retailers are also feeling the pinch. At the Jewish Association for the Mentally Ill’s store in Golders Green, assistant manager Max Minkoff reported “very difficult” trading conditions. “We get less donations. If people have something worthwhile, they will sell it on eBay rather than take it into a charity shop.