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Charities join forces to assess learning disability needs within UK Jewry

Langdon, Norwood and Kisharon collaborate to develop strategy for future services

September 10, 2019 15:49
Norwood's Dr Beverley Jacobson
1 min read

Kisharon, Langdon and Norwood have launched a joint initiative to evaluate the community’s learning disability care provision.

The three largest Jewish charities in the sector will work together to develop a strategy for the best possible services going forward.

“Individuals with learning disabilities have higher expectations for their lives than they did ten years ago," explained Norwood CEO Dr Beverley Jacobson. "This has led to an increase in demand for our services at a time when there is less funding and a shortage of accommodation. We can solve this complex challenge far better together than we can on our own.”

Kisharon chief executive Richard Franklin said that while the three organisations maintained their own ethos and catered to different needs, "in committing to this ground-breaking co-operation, we continue to put people with learning disabilities and their experience at the heart of our decision-making”.