
Cantor sings the praises of Manchester Liberals

June 5, 2015 11:38
1 min read

Manchester Jewish Liberal Community's 10th anniversary celebrations incorporated the induction of cantor Gershon Silins as its spiritual leader.

Liberal Judaism chief executive Rabbi Danny Rich led the service, assisted by Nottingham Liberal's Rabbi Tanya Sakhnovich, before a congregation including civic and religious leaders.

Mr Silins is Liberal Judaism's music director and a member of its national outreach team.

Before coming to the UK, he served communities in America and Canada and taught cantorial studies in Berlin and Amsterdam.

He observed that "Liberal Judaism is close to North American Reform in many respects, but with, if anything, an even stronger commitment to gender equality, LGBT rights and acceptance and a warmth towards new people - Jews, non-Jewish partners of Jews and non-Jews who want to learn about us.

"Impressed as I am with our large congregations, I have the greatest admiration for our smaller communities, little beacons of Progressive Judaism, where the DIY attitude keeps Jewish life alive and vibrant - communities exactly like Manchester Liberal Jewish Community."

The community numbers around 100 memb