BySandy Rashty, Sandy Rashty
Labour’s former spin doctor Alastair Campbell shared his “10 point plan” for running a successful organisation with Jewish Council for Racial Equality supporters on Tuesday.
Some of the 130 guests at the charity’s London dinner took copious notes as Mr Campbell outlined his blueprint through abbreviations such as OST (objective, strategy and tactics), TLTP (team leaders and team players) and VTV (visualise the victory).
He said that Jcore was operating in “an extremely competitive economy. People are finding all sorts of reasons not to give. Fundraising is difficult and you have to think through how you maximise the stuff you’re trying to do.”
The blunt Yorkshireman did admit to a “diary cock-up” over the Jcore event, requiring him to return to the UK from France at 5am on Tuesday morning — a “phenomenal sacrifice”.
Jcore director Dr Edie Friedman said that having grown up “with Russian immigrant parents and in a place of immigrant settlement”, she was well aware of the need to take on racial equality campaigning.
“We need to provide a national Jewish voice on race and asylum issues and justice for asylum seekers to help create a more just and multi-racial society. Our resources are used for Jewish and non-Jewish schools to learn about race issues from a Jewish point of view.”
The charity also runs a black-Asian-Jewish forum exploring “shared experiences” and an initiative helping refugee doctors to requalify in the UK. “We always reach out to other groups and come together for race minority work,” Dr Friedman added. The dinner raised around £40,000.