
Cameron hails resident fundraisers

November 24, 2016 23:19
Mike Freer with Matthew Kayne (left) and Simon Davis

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

1 min read

David Cameron has written to two Jewish Care residents praising them for their extraordinary fundraising work.

Finchley and Golders Green MP Mike Freer handed the letters to Simon Davies and Matthew Kayne, who have not let cerebral palsy stop them from fund-raising activities which have brought in over £11,000 for the charity. Mr Davies, 39, sky-dived from 15,000 feet. Mr Kayne trained for two years to walk a mile without his wheelchair.

The Prime Minister wrote to Mr Davies: "I am so impressed by your commitment and hard work as a dedicated fundraiser for Jewish Care" - and to Mr Kayne, that his work for the charity was "tremendous". Mr Freer had informed 10 Downing Street about the pair, who had no idea that the letters they were accepting were from Mr Cameron.

Mr Davies, who works part-time in the charity's fundraising department, was "honoured and surprised" at the recognition and thanked Jewish Care for its support. "I'm grateful that I live here. They give me my independence. This is amazing. I just do all I can to get the most out of life."

A campaigner for better pavements and step-free access, Mr Kayne, 31, was equally happy to be recognised. "I'm so delighted to get the letter," he said. "I was so surprised that it came from David Cameron. It made me very proud.

"This means so much to me as I love helping other people in our community. And I love it here at Jewish Care. They support me so much."

After delivering the letters, Mr Freer added his tribute, saying: "They are stars." It was "largely through people like Matthew and Simon that you can't help but gravitate to Jewish Care.

"The beauty of this charity is that it harnesses the great and the good, but they also get their residents involved. Within minutes of walking through the door you get a sense of what a wonderful organisation it is, with warmth and a tremendous quality of care."

Susan Nahum, manager at Jewish Care's Rela Goldhill Lodge, where Mr Davies and Mr Kayne are residents, said they were "inspirational. For people with disabilities, it shows you can achieve your dreams.

"It was about challenging themselves, as it is for all of us. We are like a family here."