Sam Isaacs’ selection for Cambridge for Sunday’s Varsity rugby clash is the latest in a line of sporting achievements for the 26-year-old.
Currently studying for his MBA, he grew up in Harrow, playing academy football for Fulham and spending two years at QPR before switching to rugby at 14. The winger has played professionally for Nottingham and London Welsh and semi-professionally for Blackheath but says that his Varsity selection “means everything to me”.
To be involved in the match, being staged at Leicester Tigers’ Welford Road Stadium, was “a huge honour for my family. My brother and I are the first generation in our family to go to university. It’s a very big thing for us.”
Having had to make do with home gym equipment during lockdown, he has been training on the pitch four days a week since April, in addition to strength and conditioning sessions in the gym and studying video analyses. There have also been five warm-up matches.