
Bushey shul plays its cards right for charities

November 20, 2014 11:04
Bushey Synagogue’s youngsters at JBD's Cecil Rosen Court home

ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby

1 min read

Bushey United Synagogue's members truly entered into the spirit of Mitzvah Day, with more than 450 volunteers taking part in 16 projects, both for local charities and for some in Israel.

"Feedback from the charities has been great," said a Bushey spokesman, "and they have been extremely appreciative that our members gave up their time."

Among the projects undertaken by Bushey volunteers were clearing Moriah Jewish Primary School's biblical garden; sorting and packing clothing for "Mum's the Word" charity; and painting garden furniture at the Peace Hospice in Watford.

Pupils at the Bushey Ganim nursery made a Mitzvah Tree display, on which children wrote a mitzvah they were doing, while Bushey Youth members visited Jewish Blind and Disabled's Cecil Rosen Court home, where they helped JBD residents make Chanucah cards for wounded IDF soldiers supported by Beit Halochem in Israel.

A JBD spokesperson said: "Our tenants had a fabulous time - they loved having the kids there."