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Burchill gets the facts

Julie Burchill was among the 250 people who packed Brighton's Ralli Hall to hear "an idiot's guide to the Goldstone Report".

August 12, 2010 11:29
Julie Burchill with Lubavitch rabbi Pesach Efune at a Brighton community meeting and panel discussion on Middle East issues

ByCecily Woolf, Cecily Woolf

1 min read

Julie Burchill was among the 250 people who packed Brighton's Ralli Hall to hear "an idiot's guide to the Goldstone Report" by Israel Connect chair David Cohen. More potential audience members had to be turned away at the door.

Mr Cohen also participated in a panel discussion with JC columnist Alex Brummer, human rights lawyer Ruvi Ziegler, new Watford Conservative MP Richard Harrington and local community personality Sam Barsam, with Sir Ivan Lawrence in the chair. At the end of the evening, the audience voted narrowly in support of a continued Israeli naval blockade of the Gaza strip.

Ms Burchill reflected afterwards that "as an enthusiastic, often over-emotional and under-informed admirer and supporter of Israel, it was great to hear the facts about the Goldstone Report laid out so plainly by David Cohen".

The event was organised by the Zionist Federation and Sussex Jewish Representative Council.