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Board of Deputies to leave Jewish Leadership Council

Under new plan, Board would lose automatic trustee seat at the council but its president would become a vice-president of JLC

February 29, 2024 15:15
Copy of board of deputies in israel.png
Board of Deputies president Marie van der Zyl (second right) with her officer team on its solidarity mission to Israel this week

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

The Board of Deputies, which helped to found the Jewish Leadership Council more than 20 years ago, is planning to give up its membership of the body.

The JLC has proposed to remove the automatic seat on its trustee body for the president of the Board of Deputies — although the vote by the JLC’s council to ratify the proposal which was due to take place last week has been put back.

In a realignment of the relationship between the organisations, the Board’s president would become one of the advisory vice-presidents of the JLC, while the JLC would be granted observer status at the Board’s plenary meetings.

But the prospective loss of the Board’s trustee seat on the JLC, which recognised the Board’s communal representative role, has not pleased all deputies. with one telling the JC in January that it reflected “an underlying lack of confidence” in the Board’s leadership on the part of the JLC.