
'Biggest charity you've never heard of' gives Jewish schools a £400k 'Pesach jackpot'

Achisomoch, which annually channels £50m in charitable donations, gives its surplus to educational institutions

March 30, 2023 14:03
Yitzchok and Matti
1 min read

Communal educational organisations are enjoying a festival windfall as the Achisomoch Aid Company has increased its “Pesach jackpot” to over £400,000.

Achisomoch — “probably the biggest charity you have never heard of”, says CEO Matti Fruhman — channels donations to thousands of charities across the community, particularly in the Orthodox sector. In 2022, its income reached more than £50 million for the first time.

Every year, at Pesach and Rosh Hashanah, AAC trustees distribute any surpluses it makes to Jewish schools in London, as well as to the Gateshead Yeshivah. The record allocation is 10 per cent up on the previous Pesach and brings the total distribution in the last year to well over £800,000.

“At this time of unprecedented difficulty for our Jewish educational establishments, coupled with the cost-of-living crisis, AAC is very proud to have been able to respond with a record-breaking amount to our schools,” Mr Fruhman said.

“I would like to thank our clients, whose increasing generosity makes this possible.
“AAC continues to act as a facilitator to make charitable giving so much more efficient for both donors and charities they support.”

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