
Author rabbi's heartfelt donation

July 28, 2011 13:12
Rabbi David Lister signs up at the charity launch of his book

ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby

1 min read

The literary efforts of Edgware Synagogue's Rabbi David Lister have helped the congregation to raise the funds for a defibrillator, allowing prompt treatment of cardiac arrests.

More than £500 was brought in from the the launch of Rabbi Lister's book, Intergalactic Judaism, at which he gave an audiovisual presentation on prayer and astrophysics, based on one of the book's chapters. He also signed copies of the book for purchasers.

With the debrillator costing in excess of £1,000, the shortfall was made up by an anonymous donor from the community.

"I am delighted that we managed to raise the money," Rabbi Lister said. "As well as the benefit the machine might bring if someone should need it, its presence in the shul affirms that we value life."