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Ark reopening: London shul's name change signals hybrid future

Rabbi of the congregation formerly known as Northwood and Pinner Liberal says its reach has 'expanded to other cities, countries and continents' during the pandemic

April 22, 2021 15:50
Rabbi Aaron
2 min read

Liberal Judaism’s second largest congregation has changed its name, partly to reflect the growing wider community it has been serving online during the pandemic.

The Ark Synagogue (formerly Northwood and Pinner Liberal) is also a means to attract those who Rabbi Aaron Goldstein feels might hitherto have been dissuaded from joining because of a locational misconception. “We are literally only 20 to 30 minutes from Central London,” he points out.

Like many shuls, Ark has witnessed a dramatic increase in online involvement over the past year. And although Rabbi Goldstein stressed that his congregation — numbering 1,400 including children — remained “deeply anchored in our local neighbourhood, the reach has expanded far beyond to other cities, countries and continents”.

Pre-pandemic, attendances at physical Shabbat services with no bar/batmitzvah were around three dozen. Now there are up to 160 people joining online, an estimated 40 per cent of whom are non-members.