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Chief Rabbi Mirvis reveals details of synagogue walkout

The role of women in Orthodox synagogues has become increasingly sensitive for the United Synagogue, with renewed controversy last month over partnership minyanim

December 14, 2016 19:41
1 min read

A number of people walked out of a United Synagogue because they objected when a woman gave a dvar Torah (Torah talk) there for the first time, Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has revealed.

Rabbi Mirvis recalled the incident as an example of the reaction to advances for women in Orthodox synagogues when he visited one of his congregations on Shabbat last week.

But his office would not divulge in which synagogue the walk-out had taken place, or when it had happened.

The role of women in Orthodox synagogues has become increasingly sensitive for the United Synagogue, with renewed controversy last month over partnership minyanim (PMs) – services where women lead some prayers.