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Chief Rabbi 'horrified' over possibility of civil war in Israel

Sir Ephraim Mirvis echoes warning that clash over judicial reform could lead to civil war

September 28, 2023 09:39
Sir Ephraim Yitzchak Mirvis KBE, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. Byline John Nguyen/JNVisuals 02/01/2022
5 min read

The Chief Rabbi has revealed his “personal pain” over the political crisis in Israel and issued an urgent plea for unity over what he described as a huge source of “anguish and anxiety” across the Jewish world.

In an exclusive interview to mark the tenth anniversary of his tenure, Sir Ephraim Mirvis echoed a warning issued by President Isaac Herzog earlier this year that the judicial reform crisis could lead to civil war — a possibility that “horrifies” him.

He said: “To see Israel in the current state that it is brings deep sadness, and I believe there is an obligation on all sides right now to find common ground.” Failure to do this, he said, could lead to consequences “too bitter to contemplate”.

Having lived and studied in Israel, Sir Ephraim enjoys close contacts with the country’s political leaders and revealed he had discussed the crisis with them to “identify what our priorities must be”.

He told the JC that he drew comfort from the fact that demonstrators on both sides were “passionate about Israel”, pointing out that both marched behind Israeli flags, which showed they were “coming from the same place”.

But Sir Ephraim went on to warn that the consequences of failing to reach an agreement — which Herzog has been trying to broker for several months — could be catastrophic.

He told the JC: “It was President Herzog who mentioned, very early on, God forbid, the possibility of civil war. One is horrified by that possibility, and I hate to think that would ever happen.

"But the very fact that the president of Israel has mentioned such a possibility should highlight for Jewish people right around the world how grave the current situation is, and that is why my call for unity is all the more urgent and the more important.

“We need to take our love of Israel, our passion for Israel, and use it constructively,” the Chief Rabbi said, “and I applaud President Herzog for his efforts.”