
Charedim fear Brexit

June 16, 2016 10:54

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

A British exit from Europe could have a serious effect on the Charedi community, a senior Stamford Hill figure has warned.

Michoel Posen, who works as head of the Agudas Israel Community Services, said that freedom of movement within the EU had benefited the strictly Orthodox, where marriages to spouses from overseas are common.

The British government has, over the years, "made it harder" to obtain a visa for a prospective spouse outside the EU, he said. The overseas partner has to pass an English test which is taken abroad. Then the British partner must be earning a minimum annual salary of £20,000.

The application process for a visa itself costs around £6,000, spread over five years.

EU rules have enabled a citizen from a member country who was working in Britain to bring over his or her family, Mr Posen noted.

So a man with Belgian nationality who was working in Britain could bring over an Israeli spouse.