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Charedi community 'blind' to impact of Covid, says top rabbi

Many ‘think it is a Zionist conspiracy’, says Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weiss, a former UK minister who sits on the Council of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate

January 25, 2021 14:43
2 min read

A former UK rabbi now on the Council of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate has spoken out on why sections of the Charedi community continue to remain “blind” to the devastating impact of Covid-19, insisting: “They think it is a Zionist conspiracy and goodness knows what.”

Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weiss, who made aliyah in the 1980s before becoming the first UK-born rabbi elected to the council two years ago,  said the lack of communication between strictly-Orthodox communities and the outside world had contributed to the breakdown in communication over the seriousness of the virus.

The Manchester-born rabbi said: “In the small Charedi communities many of them don’t know what it is all about. They don’t read newspapers. They don’t have connections. They don’t the outside world.

“They think that they are being attacked, and that people are dying and they are not being treated properly.