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Chanucah in the corridors of power

Cabinet Ministers brave doughnut overload as the party season kicks off

December 10, 2015 09:49
Tom Watson, Mrs May with Gillian Merron at the Board of Deputies reception

BySandy Rashty, Sandy Rashty

2 min read

This week, being a friend of Israel came at a heavy price.

Parliamentarians and business moguls protectively clasped their bellies and apologised for not being able to stomach another bite as freshly-stocked trays of doughnuts made their way around this week's series of Chanucah parties.

On Monday, 750 guests attended the Conservative Friends of Israel annual lunch. The guest list was even more impressive than usual. Milling around the Israeli-owned Park Plaza Hotel, in central London, were World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder, half the Cabinet and 160 MPs.

Joining them was a less-than-comfortable looking Richard Desmond, who had donated £1million to Ukip ahead of the general election.