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Challenge to Lancaster’s BDS move

Lawyers say Jewish groups should have been consulted before council urged county's pension fund to stop investing in Israeli companies

July 14, 2021 16:48
Lancaster City Council clock
1 min read

UK Lawyers for Israel have challenged a move by Lancaster City Council to support a boycott of Israel and persuade  Lancashire County Council’s pension fund to divest £8 million from Israeli companies.

At a meeting last month, the local authority voted in favour of a motion to write to the county council’s pension fund “urging that they adopt policies requiring them to divest from all companies active in illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine and all arms companies which supply weapons to Israel”. They also voted to support the BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) movement.

UKLFI have challenged the motion on the grounds that Lancaster Council failed to comply with its legal duty to have “due regard for community relations”.

The lawyers’ group allege that the local authority did not consult either the Lancaster Jewish community or Lancaster University’s Jewish Society prior to debating the anti-Israel motion at a full council meeting last month.