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Bugged conversations 'could reveal extent of Britain's Holocaust knowledge'

May 31, 2012 09:24

ByMartin Bright, Martin Bright

1 min read

The author of a forthcoming book on the Jewish refugees who listened in on the bugged conversations of captured German PoWs believes that the work of this top secret operation could reveal the extent of British government knowledge of the Holocaust during the war years.

Speaking at an event at the London Jewish Cultural Centre, to celebrate the contribution of German and Austrian refugees who served in the British army, Dr Helen Fry said that new files were being released all the time which shed new light on the subject.

“We are only just finding out how much we knew about the Holocaust,” she said.

One surviving listener, Fritz Lustig, explained that any discussions between PoWs about atrocities and war crimes were transcribed and kept on file for use in intelligence work. However, these could not be produced as evidence in war crimes trials, as they had been obtained illegally.