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Boris Johnson: Britain 'will not recognise' unilateral changes to Israel’s 1967 borders

In an unprecedented move, PM writes for Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot warning annexation is 'contrary' to the Jewish state's 'long-term interests'

July 1, 2020 10:08
Boris Johnson
1 min read

Boris Johnson has warned that the British government will not recognise any unilateral changes to Israel’s 1967 borders and suggested that proposals to annex territory on the West Bank ‘’will fail in their objective of securing borders and will be contrary to Israel’s own long-term interests."

In an unprecedented move, the Prime Minister wrote an op-ed for the popular Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot in which he said ‘’the UK will not recognise any changes to the 1967 lines, except those agreed by both parties.’’

In the article, which was published on the newspaper’s front page he said that  ‘’proposals to annex Palestinian territory’’ would also jeopardise ‘’the progress that Israel has made in improving relationships with the Arab and Muslim world.’’

He also repeated the British government’s position that the plan for expansion into the West Bank ‘’would represent a violation of international law.’’