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Book choice for radio faithful

December 1, 2016 13:08
01122016 rachel2 600x478
1 min read

You'd need to rise before the crack of winter dawn for Radio 4's Prayer for the Day, broadcast at 5.43 am .

But later birds can always dip into a new collection of reflections and meditations from the slot, which was due to be launched at New North London Synagogue yesterday. It includes four rabbinic writers from across the religious spectrum: Y Y Rubinstein, Naftali Brawer, Julia Neuberger and Jonathan Wittenberg.

Rabbis Rubinstein and Neuberger appear too in a recent anthology of pieces from Radio 2's Pause for Thought. Besides eight rabbis, Jewish contributors include artist Jacqueline Nicholls and performer Rachel Mars, currently on tour with her show Our Carnal Hearts.