
Board criticises pro-Palestinian Soas students’ anti-Zionism event

October 10, 2016 14:16
Marie van der Zyl
1 min read

The Board of Deputies has condemned a planned event by a pro-Palestinian student group which aims to separate anti-Zionism from antisemitism.

Soas Palestine Society intends holding the discussion, titled “Decoupling Judaism and Zionism in Palestine Advocacy,” this Thursday on the university campus.

Its main aim, stated in the event description, is: “to examine the borderline between Judaism and Zionism in the debate over Israel-Palestine … in light of frequent claims made by supporters of Israel that pro-Palestinian activism is antisemitic”.

Another of the group’s objectives is to work out “where to draw the line between combating the weaponisation of antisemitism and identifying real instances of antisemitism”.

Marie van der Zyl, Board vice-president, said: “It is outrageous that any outside group would take it upon themselves to redefine antisemitism for hostile political ends.

“For the vast majority of British Jews, political, cultural and religious affiliation with the state of Israel is a fundamental part of their Jewish identity.

“In suggesting that this is somehow a politicised or contrived relationship is outrageous. We utterly condemn this event and give our full support to SOAS Jewish Society and the Union of Jewish Students in standing up for the rights of Jewish students.”

A UJS spokeswoman said: "It is unfortunately no surprise that this event is taking place on a campus which in recent years has held many similar events that have concerned Jewish students.

"This discussion is further proof of some in the student movement denying Jewish students the right to define antisemitism and their own relationship with Israel.

"It is extremely concerning that such an event is being held without any consultation with or involvement from SOAS J-Soc, the recognised representative group of Jewish students at SOAS.

"We are working with SOAS J-Soc to ensure an appropriate response to this event so that Jewish students' concerns are listened to and appropriately addressed."

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