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Billionaire funds giant Chanukah in the Square menorah to replace sex abuser's one

The previous menorah was disposed of after a campaign by the abuser's victim

December 3, 2018 13:51
The Menorah after being set up in Trafalgar Square last year
1 min read

 A Ukrainian-born billionaire has funded a new giant menorah for the annual Chanukah in the Square event, after the existing one — which was designed by a convicted child sex abuser — was scrapped.

The Genesis Philanthropy Group (GPG), backed by Jewish magnate Mikhail Fridman, was approached in late September by the event’s organisers, the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC), Chabad Lubavitch and the London Jewish Forum.

The previous menorah was designed, built and presented by Menachem Mendel Levy, of Golders Green, who was jailed for three years in 2013 for the indecent assault of a child under the age of 16.

The decision to discard the structure was prompted by a public campaign by Levy’s victim, Yehudis Goldsobel, who waived her right to anonymity.