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Bereaved Israeli and Palestinian parents say they are united in grief

Israeli Robi Damelin and Palestinian Bassam Aramin called on people on both sides of the Middle East divide to “see the humanity in each other”

May 11, 2017 11:49
Israeli Robi Damelin spoke to a packed Hinde Street Methodist Church of her desire for reconciliation after losing her son
3 min read

Two bereaved parents on either side of the Middle East divide have shared moving accounts of loss and their desire for reconciliation at an event co-hosted by the Board of Deputies.

Israeli Robi Damelin and Palestinian Bassam Aramin both lost children as a result of the conflict in the region.

Mr Aramin told a packed crowd at Hinde Street Methodist Church in central London how his 10-year-old daughter Abir was shot in the back of the head by an Israeli soldier in 2007.

“We paid the highest price”, he said, “We both have ongoing pain and that is what united us. Because it was our kids we have the moral authority to raise our voice and say ‘No more killing’.”