
BBC-monitoring site is launched

October 10, 2012 19:51
BBC Television Centre in west London

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

A new website is to monitor the BBC’s coverage of events in Israel.

BBC Watch is the sister site of the United States-based CiF Watch blog which tackles the Guardian’s reports on Israel and the Palestinians.

The new site launched on Wednesday and will fact-check stories produced by BBC journalists and “correct misinformation before it spreads worldwide”.

It will be managed by British-Israeli writer and blogger Hadar Sela, who said the service would build on the work done by the now defunct Just Journalism group and lawyer Trevor Asserson who has run a monitoring service, also called BBC Watch, for more than a decade.

Ms Sela said BBC Watch would “examine the broadcaster’s adherence to its legal obligation to produce accurate and impartial reporting as a service to its funding public”.

CiF Watch’s Adam Levick said: “Our already extensive experience of media monitoring shows that it is possible to curb the spread of inaccurate information and distortions through fact-checking, provision of complementary information and the correction of errors at source.”