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Battlefield dressing set to speed bris healing

June 13, 2014 08:00

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

Medical technology developed for the United States military is being used by mohelim in Britain to halve the healing time of circumcision to two or three days.

The technique involves a dressing impregnated with kaolin, a blood-clotting agent derived from clay. It is applied immediately after the circumcision and stops all bleeding within 10 minutes, removing the need for bandages.

The technique was developed by an American medical company in 2002 as a treatment for heavily bleeding soldiers on the battlefield.

GP and mohel Dr David Hibbert, who performs 50 milot and 100 non-Jewish circumcisions a year, helped introduce the procedure to the Initiation Society, which trains and governs UK Jewish circumcision practitioners.