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Battle lines drawn over Board of Deputies's Oxfam links

January 3, 2013 18:30
\"We’re going to need all our experience in conflict resolution just to get everyone from the Board of Deputies to agree\" (Photo: James Whitworth)

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

The row over a joint Board of Deputies and Oxfam campaign is to continue with deputies due to vote on a motion opposed to the link-up. Opposition to the Grow Tatzmiach project has been raised by some deputies since it was launched by the Board in November.

The six-month leadership programme will run alongside a wider national Oxfam project and will help Jewish campaigners tackle injustices in the international food system.

But campaigners say the Board is guilty of hypocrisy because of Oxfam’s stance on Israel, which includes its calls for products from Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be labelled to distinguish them.

Deputies Jonathan Hoffman and Gary Mond will bring a motion at the Board’s January 20 plenary meeting calling on Oxfam to change its approach to Israel, and for the Board to dissociate itself from the charity’s campaign unless it does so.