A judge in California has ruled that Sacha Baron Cohen is not responsible for injuries sustained by a woman who tried to remove him from an event during the filming of Bruno.
The British Jewish actor has been embroiled in several legal battles over stunts performed for the films Borat and Bruno , including one with a Palestinian grocer who is suing for defamation.
The latest suit saw a woman called Richelle Olson
claim she was injured while attempting to force Mr Baron Cohen and his crew from a charity bingo contest.
She said that during the incident in June 2009 she fell and smacked her head during a tussle with the actor, leaving her unable to walk without a cane.
Ms Olson had originally authorised the filming and only asked the crew to leave when she decided she did not like the content, which was about Bruno's prior homosexual relationships.
However the judge cleared Mr Baron Cohen of wrongdoing because he was trying to comment on homophobia, gay stereotypes, and culture.
The scene never made it into the final cut of the film.
The actor is currently filming scenes for The Dictator<1b>, in which he plays the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.