
Banned Hizbollah fighter blames JC

April 7, 2009 09:11

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

A Hizbollah fighter has been barred from re-entering Britain, and has blamed the JC for his detention by immigration officers.

Lebanese-born Dyab Abou Jahjah addressed two meetings in London last week, but left the country to visit Brussels before the weekend.

When he attempted to return on Saturday to catch a flight home to Beirut, he was detained for six hours before being denied entry.

Jahjah, who is also leader of a radical Muslim group, wrote on his blog: “They say I am a threat to the peaceful co-existence of communities.

“It is funny they only discovered that after my successful visit… and after granting me access a few days ago.

“I think it all has mainly to do with the lobbying of the Zionists who again have a hate article full of lies on me in today’s [April 3] issue of the Jewish Chronicle.”

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith had accepted that Jahjah’s presence was not conducive to the public good, but it is understood the Home Office and UK Border Agency had initially been caught out when he arrived here earlier than anticipated.

Jahjah intends to appeal against the ban and Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn is leading a legal challenge on his behalf.