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Anticapitalist LGBT+ Yiddish cafe closes down after ‘astonishing’ amount of antisemitism

The cafe, which did not charge for drinks, blamed burnout and harassment for the closure

June 20, 2023 13:50
Pink Peacock lgbt Glasgow
2 min read

A self-described “queer Yiddish anti-capitalist anarchist café” in Glasgow has closed down with the owners claiming an “astonishing” amount of antisemitism directed at them from other leftists forced their business's closure.

Volunteers at the Pink Peacock café, which does not charge for drinks, took to social media to share the news, blaming “burnout” of staff due to alleged antisemitism, and “capitalism”, for the cafe's failure.

“Like everyone, we’re struggling under capitalism and kyriarchy”, says a punctuation-less post to its website explaining the closure.

“On top of the expected right-wing backlash from terfs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) and bootlickers, we have received a frankly astonishing amount of antisemitic vitriol over the last 3 years from self-described leftists who have doxed us, harassed us online and off, and spread rumours about us being “landlord” “bosses” “profiting off the holocaust."