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Anger over missionary leaflet drive

Evangelical Christian missionaries have been targeting Manchester’s Jewish community with leaflets.

December 18, 2008 15:22

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

Evangelical Christian missionaries have been targeting Manchester’s Jewish community with leaflets using religious terminology and Ashkenazi spellings to entice people to read them. Residents in Broughton Park, who have received the leaflets through their doors, are concerned about what they call the “deceptive material”.

Three different leaflets have been distributed in the past week in Waterpark Road and Roston Road. One writes of “Besuras HaGeulah” (news of redemption), “Mashiach Ben Dovid” (Messiah Son of David) and “averos” (sins) — with all the words written as they would be pronounced by Charedi Jews.

The leaflet was printed in Manchester and can be traced to the Sulam Ya’akov [Ladder of Jacob] Messianic Fellowship, whose website describes the group as evangelical. A second leaflet, printed in Canada, tells the story of a rabbi who converted to Christianity in his search for sacrificial blood. One sentence reads: “You must have blood, blood, BLOOD!”

Menachem Heimann, 22, who lives on Roston Road, said that at first he thought leaflets came from Chabad and were offering inspiration after the Mumbai attacks. But discrepancies in the spelling of certain words made him suspicious.