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Ancient coin discovered in the Dead Sea proves Jewish uprising against Rome

The coins were minted by Jewish authorities during the rebellion in an attempt to show defiance of the Roman rule and boost morale

January 20, 2023 16:56
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1 min read

Israeli archaeologists have found coins dating back 1,000 years that were minted during the Judean Jewish rebellion against Roman rule in 132 CE.

One bronze ancient Hebrew coin was uncovered among 44 others at the Nahal Darga Nature Reserve during an excavation of caves by the Dead Sea.

The Israel Antiquities Authority said the discovery shows the “first evidence in the Judean Desert for the Maccabean revolt against the Greek Seleucid Kingdom”.

The coins were minted by Jewish authorities during the rebellion in an attempt to show defiance of the Roman rule and boost morale, the IAA explained.