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Adam Cohen creates a calendar of nice, normal Jewish men. They may not be Brad Pitt, but at least your mother would approve

November 18, 2009 13:51
Adam Cohen

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

1 min read

Girls, take note. California-based television producer Adam Cohen has come up with a must-have accessory for next year — the 2010 Nice Jewish Guys calendar.

The calendar, which includes both Jewish and secular holidays, features 12 “nice Jewish guys”, or, as Mr Cohen puts it: “guys who are non-threatening, nice to a fault, trustworthy and just very normal-looking”.

Mr Cohen, 39, runs television company Super Delicious and has produced The Simple Life for Fox, The Assistant with Andy Dick for MTV and Brain Rush for the Cartoon Network. He says he came up with the idea for the calendar ten years ago, telling People: “You know how it is; you have a great idea but never do anything with it. This year our company is finally on good legs and I could take advantage of having a staff and asking everyone to help out a little.” He adds: “I felt a duty for all us ‘normal’ guys who never had any recognition in pop culture. We just blend in and for once I thought we should stand out.”

According to Mr Cohen, each picture tells a story. “There is the main ‘hero’ picture for each guy and then three smaller ‘action’ ones — these guys are flexing everything they got, which isn’t much but you still have to love them.”