
Activists arrested at Israeli cosmetics store

October 7, 2010 16:10

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

1 min read

Two people have been arrested after allegedly chaining themselves inside the London branch of an Israeli cosmetics store.

Gwendolen Wilkinson, 20, from Newport and Matthew Richardson, 24, from Sheffield have been charged with aggravated trespass at Ahava in Monmouth Street, Covent Garden.

They will appear at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court later this month.

Protesters demonstrate outside Ahava every other weekend, claiming it mislabels its products “Made in Israel” when they are made in Mitzpe Shalem, an Israeli settlement on the West Bank.

In August, four protesters who chained themselves inside the store were acquitted of aggravated trespass at Highbury Magistrates’ Court, after the prosecution’s key witness did not show up to court.