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A word in your ear, Prime Minister

British Jews on what they would say to Bibi when he comes to the UK

August 13, 2009 09:08
Benjamin Netanyahu

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

Vivian Wineman, president of the Board of Deputies:
“We are delighted you are coming. It is symptomatic of the very firm ties that exist between Israel and this country and we wish you every success at this momentous time.”

June Jacobs, board member of the New Israel Fund:
“You shouldn’t have Avigdor Lieberman as your foreign minister — because it’s making Israel’s image even worse. That is your first priority.”

Zalmi Unsdorfer, chairman of Likud-Herut in Britain:
“Neither Britain nor the EU has any moral authority to tell you and Israel how to run its defence and other matters. I live in Britain and we’re in a complete mess. But Israel’s economy and stock market are doing well. Not a single bank has collapsed. Every day I read about new medical discoveries, so you should not pay too much attention to the likes of Mr Miliband and the other EU leaders. You should keep doing what is in the best interests of Israel and its people.”

Rabbi Danny Rich, chief executive of Liberal Judaism:
“We appreciate the difficult task you have but it is imperative that settlement building is stopped so that we can all support you in your stated endeavour to advance the two-state solution.”