
A post-Brexit passport to Germany

August 18, 2016 11:43
18082016 Thomas Harding

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

The Brexit referendum has prompted a number of British Jews to start thinking of taking up dual nationality to preserve their freedom of movement.

Among them is writer Thomas Harding, who explained on Radio 4's Today why he is considering applying for German citizenship. His last book, the memoir, The House on the Lake, explored the fate of the house built outside Berlin by his great-grandfather Alfred Alexander who came to England in 1936.

"When I woke up on the day of Brexit, I suddenly realised I'd lost the ability to potentially live and travel in 27 countries," he said. "That was a real loss to me."

Under the German constitution, citizenship can be restored to descendants of those who were stripped of it by the Nazis.

He said that he had been impressed by the willingness of contemporary Germans he met to acknowledge the past and create a better future.