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A drawing a day keeps the artist ok

Finchley teenager Gideon Summerfield sketched 2012’s news, every day

January 3, 2013 17:00
Munich Olympic widow and campaigner Ankie Spitzer

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

2 min read

Some people start the new year by resolving to keep a diary, but last January Gideon Summerfield went a step further. He pledged that on every day of 2012 he would complete a drawing, inspired by the day’s most important news and events.

The 17-year-old, who last year took on the challenge of sketching all 300 of his classmates at JFS, chose a good year for his project, after starting with a drawing of fireworks exploding over Big Ben.

His 366 ink drawings include those celebrating British success at the Olympics and marking the Queen’s Jubilee, as well as more sombre images recalling the deaths of British soldiers in Afghanistan or the heroism of Tina Strobos, a Dutch Righteous Gentile who sheltered and saved more than 100 Jews during the Holocaust. Most of the drawings took a maximum of half an hour to complete; Gideon added colour to some of them later.

There are personal scenes, such as his grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary, and topical issues, such as one of Yossi Benayoun after controversial antisemitic chanting by fans, or another of Taliban gunshot victim, the teenage activist Malala Yousefzai.