Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu is to be formally confirmed as Israel’s Prime Minister, for the second time in a decade.
Mr Netanyahu was last in office in 1999, when he was defeated by Labour’s Ehud Barack.
His new cabinet is said to be so large that Knesset officials have ordered a bigger table to accommodate members.
It is Israel's largest ever executive, with key posts being filled by Avigdor Lieberman as foreign minister and, Mr Barak as Minister or Defence.
After weeks of bargaining and power brokering, ministerial posts have been sprinkled across all parties in an attempt to create an effective coalition.
Mr Netanyahu said yesterday that his government would “do all it can to achieve a just, long-lasting peace with our neighbours and the entire Arab world”.
But he has never been a vocal supporter of a two-state solution.
He will present his choice of cabinet to parliament shortly and MPs will vote on it.