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The Jewish Chronicle

Netanyahu closes on right-wing coalition

May 1, 2015 11:43
Almost in: Lieberman

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

1 min read

Six weeks after winning the election and only a few days before the final deadline to present his cabinet to the president, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed coalition agreements with two parties, with three other parties close to doing a deal.

For now, Labour will remain in opposition and the new Likud government will be backed by 67 Knesset members.

After laborious negotiations, agreements have been reached with two of the parties that Mr Netanyahu describes Likud's "natural partners" - Kulanu and United Torah Judaism (UTJ).

Kulanu, led by Moshe Kahlon - who will be finance minister - will largely be in charge of Israel's economy and the construction industry.