Most significant Jewish moment?
Being the only batmitzvah in my eighth grade at Quaker Ridge School and one of the lone Conservative Jewish families at that time. I really had to stand on my own two feet regarding our commitment to Judaism — and I did.
Which biblical character would you like to meet, and why?
Moses, because he was so humble and yet such a superb leader. I would have much to learn from him. And if not Moses, give me Barack!
Favourite mitzvah?
Raising money for Israel, and teaching.
Israel for me is…
Our life insurance.
Last time you went to synagogue?
The last High Holy Days because I have been involved in the Broadway run of Irena’s Vow, which really prohibited the pleasure of attending Friday night services at my beloved B’nai Jeshurun.
Favourite Jewish book?
The books of Rabbi Joseph Telushkin and Gerda Weissmann Klein’s One Survivor Remembers.