The Jewish Chronicle

Mossad 'spies' flee Lebanon

November 24, 2016 20:42

ByMiriam Shaviv, Miriam Shaviv

1 min read

Two Lebanese citizens accused of spying for Mossad have fled across the border to Israel.

According to Beirut security officials, the two were accompanied by their children.

Beirut’s security forces claim to have uncovered three separate “spy rings” run by the Mossad since late last year. A total of 13 Lebanese nationals have been formally charged, and at least 12 others are being held for interrogation.

"We have begun to crack the infrastructure of Israeli spy rings," internal security chief General Achraf Rifi said on Monday. "There is a common factor which has helped us track down the rings.”

The string of arrests comes ahead of the Lebanese elections on June 7, in which Hizbollah is expected to make significant gains.

For a full analysis, see Friday’s JC