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The Jewish Chronicle

Mature celebrations

November 17, 2011 11:23

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

A Shabbaton was held in Leeds to celebrate the first birthday of the Northern Jewish Postgraduate and Mature Student Society.

Around 20 people attended the residential weekend, with students from Leeds, Manchester, Oxford and Glasgow joining the event. On the Friday evening, they were given a choice of either an Orthodox or egalitarian service at Hillel House, where meals were also provided. Yorkshire student chaplain Rabbi Russ Shulkes gave a talk and participants spent Shabbat afternoon playing card and board games.

The group will make a trip to Bradford's Media Museum later this month and will also run a Chanucah party. The group was set up with guidance from the Union of Jewish Students to cater for mature and medical students and postgrads who feel they do not fit in with traditional JSocs or existing events.

Contact the group on Facebook or via the Leeds JSoc website at