The Jewish Chronicle

Lucinda Caplan

March 28, 2008 24:00

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Bushey Browne Pack

The reception teacher at Hasmonean Primary is the Tawny Owl at the 17th Bushey Brownie Pack where she has volunteered for five years. The pack holds its meetings at Bushey Synagogue. Ms Caplan has been volunteering at Brownies for more than 10 years, previously helping at another Jewish pack

Why the Brownies?
There was a need for new Brownie leaders to take over a pack that was about to be closed. As I was regularly helping at Brownies anyway, I was ready for the challenge to run my own pack.

What does your volunteering involve?
Planning and providing a safe, happy and supportive environment for the Brownies. Our meetings are action-packed and full of challenges, games and activities, usually ones that the Brownies have suggested themselves. We are working with the girls at the moment on their Disability Awareness badge and they were recently awarded their Hostess badge, Artist badge or Brownie Skills badge — where some of the girls had to learn how to sew on the badge themselves. Recently we had a special event, our first Brownie Shabbaton at Bushey shul. The Brownies were invited to come up and stand in front of the Ark just before Adon Alom when they recited their Brownie Promise in front of the congregation. We then all had lunch together and spent the afternoon playing games before we made havdalah. It was a beautiful weekend.

What do you enjoy most enjoy about being a volunteer?
I really enjoy seeing the girls grow and develop throughout their time in Brownies, especially the shy girls who lack confidence. Making their “Promise” to the other Brownies and their parents is always the first step in building self-esteem.

What is your most memorable volunteering moment?
To celebrate Thinking Day (the day marks the joint birthday of World Chief Guide Olave Baden-Powell and her husband, the founder of the Guides, Robert Baden-Powell), we had a pyjama-party evening with the Brownies of Borehamwood – it was a fantastic evening where the girls all made new friends.