ByTamara Corin, Tamara Corin
Is it just me or do you spend every day trying to find the balance between work, home and play? The latter has definitely gone out the window lately, and what with all the Yom Tovim breaking up the weeks, October is simply a write-off. Before you know it, the kids will be on half term (I know, they've only just gone back!) and that breather you were hoping for is not on the horizon till Chanucah time.
Juggling, whatever your responsibilities, is just something we all do. The problem comes when you don't spend time on the most important person: you! Don't feel guilty about spending time on yourself, because if the rock of the family isn't strong and stable, everything else will come crashing down. Don't let yourself get to this point. Just half an hour a day should be dedicated to you, minus any guilt. This week and for the foreseeable future this page is about celebrating you with inspirational fashion finds and beauty looks. Even if you're feeling horrendous, you won't look it. Everything can be fabulous, darling, with a bit of lippy, a new dress and a high heel. Trust me!