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You’re grieving for something beyond control

April 15, 2016 10:38

ByHilary Freeman, Hilary Freeman

3 min read

Q I am worried about my only daughter. She is funny, outgoing and has always had lots of friends. I never doubted that she would get married and have children, but she's now in her 40s and this hasn't happened. In fact, she hasn't had a serious relationship since her 20s. I would really like to talk to her about this but don't want to come across as a typical Jewish mother. Should I broach the subject or just leave it to her? I know she would be a great mum and I'm worried that time is running out.

A It might be over 40 years since you had children, but once again you're hearing the ticking of a biological clock. This time it spells the end not for your fertility but your daughter's and, along with it, your hopes of a future filled with grandchildren. With more than one in five 40-somethings still childless, there are many women in your situation today. I have every sympathy; grandchildren bring great joy and are an antidote to growing old.

And yet: isn't this your problem, not your daughter's? You say you are worried about her but there is no evidence, in your letter at least, that she is unhappy. You never doubted that she'd get married and have kids, but did she? She is, you say, ''funny, outgoing and has lots of friends'' - hardly a depressive hermit. It may be that she doesn't want the conventional life you dreamed for her or that she has simply accepted it won't happen and made a happy life for herself, regardless.

It's unlikely that she isn't aware, on some level, of your concerns, even if you aren't already knitting booties. Broach the subject and you will come across like the interfering mother you don't want to be. If your suspicions are more than mere transference, and she isn't happy, you'll only be rubbing salt into her raw wound, adding extra pressure. And anyway, what would it achieve? You can't magic her up a suitable baby father and get her pregnant, can you? And I'm damn sure she wouldn't want you to, even if you could!