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Your autumn hot list

October 4, 2011 12:11

ByJan Shure, Jan Shure

3 min read

Let's assume for a moment that, like me, you have peered under the lid of the dressing up box that bears the label "Autumn Winter 2011 trends", stuffed, as it is, with 1950s, 60s and 70s retro looks, with lashings of fetish and cross-dressing gear thrown in. You like what you see, but you have sensibly decided that while it might work for a fantasy version of your life, in which you would teeter to a cab in 140mm heels, a sleek up-do and a mink stole, it won't work for the life you actually live, which involves trains, meetings, school gates and actual walking.

So, instead of the dressing up box, you want to make some great autumn buys which will be versatile, practical and extend your existing wardrobe, while at the same time signalling to the world (or at least, your slightly more on-trend girlfriend) that you are totally across all the key looks for autumn.

The first item on any list of key purchases is a coat. Our main coat edit will appear in two weeks but the two shown here make it on to our "key buys" list by fulfilling three vital criteria: being a style statement; able to keep you warm and also able to work with all the different lengths around this season.

There is a deeply desirable black faux fur baby (£120, M&S), which cleverly gets over the length issue by hitting mid-thigh; and a three-quarter length cape coat in coral by Helene Berman which similarly gets round the length issue as well as ticking the "colour" trend box (though if coral feels too much of a statement, it is also available in camel).